Monday, March 11, 2013

Science/Reading correlation with Dr.Seuss book!

Watch our reading garden grow! With my partner teacher in reading my students listened to The Lorax being read to them. They then planted different seeds inside a plastic cup. They are going to compare and contrast the rate they are growing. Yay! Science tek in reading... Go Mrs. Jackson!
Later we talked about how the book actually has A LOT to do with science and the effects if change on animals and their environment and even the scientific method in the book!

Since we were learning about the CO2 cycle I thought it would be great to put our model CO2 cycle of respiration and photosynthesis around the reading bulletin board. Each student is going to add a petal to their stem each time they read and take an AR test on a book.

Up on the wall also was a song we learned. I got the last part if the song from another blog and then added the beginning and adapted it a little myself.

Here it is....
(We whisper) "RESPIRATION is when animals (breathe in big) absorb oxygen just like you (point to people) now let's conclude the cycle of CO2!
I soak up all the water
My roots are like a straw
I absorb CO2 the animals give it off
I hold out my leaves the sun gives me a kiss I make my own food it's photosynthesis!"

Enjoy : )

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